A World Inside a Book: Accessible performances

12 May, 9 Jun, 14 Jul, 6 Aug, 9 Aug, 13 Aug, 20 Aug, 13 Oct, 30 Oct, 31 Oct, 6 Dec
Various times

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Age range
0 - 8 yrs

£6 - £9

Run Time
50 minutes

Please be aware that these showings of A World Inside a Book: Gruffalos, Dragons and Other Creatures are specifically planned, designed and created for children and families with SEN and additional requirements.

They are reduced capacity and will have a different pace to other showings of the exhibition. For more information, you can speak to our House manager Emma Hardman by emailing emma@z-arts.org.

If you do not require an accessible showing of the exhibition, please book onto another date – there are lots to choose from! See all dates.

You can download the social story of A World Inside a Book: Gruffalos, Dragons and Other Creatures here.

Enter the cosy sitting room of Charlie Cook’s Favourite Book and settle down for a story. But look more closely – what’s that you can see on the bookshelf?

Creep into a magical world of forests, miniature houses, dragons and other creatures. Can you spot The Gruffalo? Can you Squash and Squeeze around a life-sized cow? What’s that flying overhead, could it be ZogBe The Smartest Giant in Town, climb through The Highway Rat’s cave, rock hop through the Monkey Puzzle jungle, discover the underwater worlds of Tiddler and The Snail and the Whale and take your seat for the ride of your life with Room on the Broom.

Created by Discover Story Centre, Scholastic Children’s Books, Macmillan Children’s Books and Magic Light Pictures. 

Ticket info:
The Essential Companion ticket is for companions of people with disabilities who require extra assistance. If you’d like to add a Essential Companion ticket to your booking, please call our Box Office on 0161 232 6089 or email boxoffice@z-arts.org

Here’s what you can expect from the BSL integrated showing of A World Inside a Book:

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Show accessible performances only

Those in grey are currently sold out. Call Box Office for more options and information.

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Getting there

Z-arts, 335 Stretford Road
M15 5ZA
Greater Manchester

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Our Opening Hours


Tuesday 18 February
Z-arts Building
9:00am – 6:00pm
10:00am – 5:00pm


Wednesday 19 February
Z-arts Building
9:00am – 6:00pm
10:00am – 5:00pm