Say It Loud Education Programme


Wednesdays: 24/10, 31/10, 7/11, 14/11, 21/11, 28/11
5pm – 7.30pm
Z-Arts, 335 Stretford Rd, Manchester M15 5ZA
Booking: call 0161 232 6089 or email

As part of Say It Loud Education Programme, local historian Dominique Tessier will be leading a series of 6 local history sessions aimed at primary and secondary school teachers with an interest in Black Histories in Greater Manchester.
24/10 Session 1: Understanding Black Histories
31/10 Session 2: Exploring Your Learning Styles
07/11 Session 3: Exploring Your Teaching Styles
14/11 Session 4: Teachers as Model Learners
21/11 Session 5: Developing your own curriculum
28/11 Session 6: Developing your own Manchester Curriculum

Designed to allow participants to evaluate their skills + professional development needs in a teacher friendly environment, this programme will look at the use of Black History as a cross-curricular tool. Each session will include a reflection on the impact of Localism on the teaching of Black Histories in Greater Manchester, as well as interactive learning activities introducing participants to the unique history of Z-Arts – organisation that aims “to inspire and enable generations of young people from across Manchester and beyond to use creativity to reach their potential”. (Very few people are aware that the foundation stone of Z-Arts building was laid in 1911 by a man born in the Carribean + that his twin sister founded “one of the finest libraries in the world”).

To book a place on one or more sessions, please call 0161 232 6089 or email

Tailor made sessions can be arranged for a group of teachers or community practitioners, a school or a local organisation. For further information, please call 0161 232 6089 or email

Say it Loud provides a new educational and cultural platform that seeks to inspire audiences across Manchester to connect with Black history and black presence today.

Dominique Tessier is Manchester-based local historian + museum consultant who promotes a more inclusive approach to local history + its teaching. She is also the founder of The Cafe Historique (Manchester).



Our Opening Hours


Saturday 18 January
Z-arts Building
9:00am – 6:00pm
10:00am – 5:00pm


Sunday 19 January
Z-arts Building