Help us by completing our digital survey

We are currently trying to find out the best way to engage with, educate and entertain our audiences while our building has been closed due to COVID-19. As you may have seen from our website and our social media channels, we’re currently creating lots of digital and video activities for you to do at home.

We want to know that we’re doing the very best we can for our families during this very difficult time, so we want to know what is working for you and what might not be at this time.There isn’t a precedent for a situation like this – so we really need to hear your opinions on what we’re currently doing well and what we could be doing better!

The survey should take no longer than five minutes to complete and can be completed here.

Anything you tell us will be kept confidential, is anonymous and will only be used for research purposes. The information you provide will be held by Z-arts and The Audience Agency, who are running the survey on our behalf. In compliance with GDPR, your data will be stored securely and will only be used for the purposes it was given.

Thank you to all of our families for your amazing continued support during this time.

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Our Opening Hours


Sunday 16 February
Z-arts Building
9:00am – 6:00pm


Monday 17 February
Z-arts Building