Potato Needs a Bath

15 May
Various times

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Age range
3 - 5

Starting at £3

Run Time
55 minutes

Online performance


There is going to be a party and everyone is ready – except Potato.

Onion is practicing his guitar, Aubergine is wearing her new necklace and Peach is bouncing on the bed with excitement. Potato needs a bath – but he has other ideas – because Potato loves mud!

Meet Maris Piper and her fruit and vegetable friends in this colourful combination of live and pre-recorded performance based on the much loved theatre show.

Potato Needs a Bath (digital) is based on the original theatre show by Andy Manley & Shona Reppe and was commissioned by Theatre in Schools Scotland, a National Theatre of Scotland and Imaginate partnership.

View the visual story for the show here

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Show accessible performances only

Times displayed in grey may be sold out or not currently available. Alternatively workshops may be locked for Bright Sparks Members and require a log in.

Getting there

Z-arts, 335 Stretford Road
M15 5ZA
Greater Manchester

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Our Opening Hours


Wednesday 15 January
Z-arts Building
9:00am – 6:00pm
10:00am – 5:00pm


Thursday 16 January
Z-arts Building
9:00am – 6:00pm
10:00am – 5:00pm