Mesék, Rajzok, Versek: a musical adventure through HungaryV

15 Feb

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£5 adult / under 18s free / £12 groups of more than two adults

Run Time
90 minutes

Fruzsina Lilla Szűcs – Piano

Louis Perera – Piano

Piano duet performance by pianists of the Royal Northern College of Music, playing works by Brahms and Strauß II.

A musical adventure through Hungary with art, stories and poems and the participation of students from the Zsigmond Király Hungarian Cultural Club and Supplementary School.

Egy játékos kirándulás a magyar zenekultúra mesebeli világában.

Szeretettel várunk minden kedves érdeklődőt a zongora duett koncerten Fruzsina Szűcs és Louis Perera előadásában.  A Zsigmond Király Magyar Kultúrális Klub tanulói is szerepelni fognak a koncerten.  Verseket, meséket és rajzokat fognak bemutatni a magyar zenekultúra kapcsán.


Free for children (under 18)
Special offer – £12 for families consisting of more than two adults

Fruzsina Szűcs, pianist – Artist page:

Zsigmond Király Hungarian Cultural Club and Supplementary School:

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Show accessible performances only

Times displayed in grey may be sold out or not currently available. Alternatively workshops may be locked for Bright Sparks Members and require a log in.

Our Opening Hours


Wednesday 15 January
Z-arts Building
9:00am – 6:00pm
10:00am – 5:00pm


Thursday 16 January
Z-arts Building
9:00am – 6:00pm
10:00am – 5:00pm