Under 5’s Creative Learning

Creative Classrooms
Our Z-artist practitioners deliver playful and lively arts sessions in Early Years settings which support the development of communication skills, physical coordination, fine motor skills, problem solving, and confidence. Sessions are delivered as one-off 1-2hr workshops with a class of up to 30 children, a day of activity working across multiple classes, or as a series of sessions delivered over a term.

After-school clubs
Afterschool and lunchtime clubs are a great way to enrich the learning which takes place in the classroom. Z-arts offers weekly extra-curricular activities, delivered in 5-10 week blocks. Sessions are designed to enable skills progression in art-form areas including; dance, drama, music, and visual arts.

Family Engagement
Z-arts recognises the importance of learning as a family. Bright Sparks member schools are entitled to free annual Family Engagement workshops for pupils and their families. The sessions are designed to encourage parent and child co-creation and communication, and include free Bright Sparks Family Memberships for those attending.

Design a Z-arts Creative Learning workshop
All our activity in schools and nurseries begins with a conversation, so if you have an idea for a workshop or project please do get in touch. You can use our Z-arts menu to get a flavour of some of the art-forms and themes we have delivered in the past.

Many schools find that a Bright Sparks School Membership is the most cost effective and convenient way to plan and pay for creative learning activity with Z-arts.
However, activity which takes place outside of a Bright Sparks School membership is costed to be as affordable as possible for schools whilst covering the artist fees and materials. Our costs for Z-artist led sessions are tailored to individual programmes, but as a guide, our fees excluding any materials will usually fall within the following ranges:

1-hour artist-led class workshop in school, cost per artist: £30- £45.00
Whole day of artist-led activity in school, cost per artist: £200 – £250

Get in touch with us to discuss your plans and budget.
Gill Balfour, Creative Learning Officer: gill@z-arts.org

Our Opening Hours


Monday 20 January
Z-arts Building


Tuesday 21 January
Z-arts Building
9:00am – 6:00pm
10:00am – 5:00pm